Geology - The Scientific Study of the Earth

Students in front of the Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River in Yellowstone National Park

Spring 2025: What's new in Geology @ MCC?

  • GEO 101/Physical Geology explores our Earth, its resources, its hazards, and has field trips!  Geo 101 fulfills the SUNY Natural Science Gen Ed requirement and is offered on-campus, as well as online!
  • GEO 102/Historical Geology explores the 4.5+ billion year history of our planet including Earth's origin, changes in the distribution of lands and seas, growth and destruction of mountains, and the succession of animals and plants through time.  (GEO 101 must be completed prior to GEO 102.)
  • GEG 204/Intro to Climatology explores how the Earth’s climate system operates, past climates, global warming, and the future global climate change.  This geography (GEG) course has no prerequisites and is open to all students, but can also be counted as a program elective for those students pursuing the Geology A.S.

What will I learn about in MCC geology courses?

MCC Geology students can study volcanoes, minerals, rocks, fossils, oceans, stars, planets, natural disasters, mountain formation, water resources, local and global landforms, and how all of these are connected to humans, society, and the environment.

Where can I learn geology?

MCC offers geology courses that allow students to learn in the classroom (on-campus, remote, and/or online) and also in the field - which can be anywhere from an outcrop of 450 million year old rocks along the Genesee River to a wind and solar farm along the Lake Ontario shoreline to the slopes of the Adirondack Mountains to the supervolcano in Yellowstone National Park! 

How can I start my geology journey?

Enroll in Geology 101 - Physical Geology on-campus or online!

From there, pursue the A.S. in Geology and/or take any additional geology courses of interest offered at MCC.

What can I do after MCC?

Many MCC Geology A.S. graduates transfer to complete a Bachelor’s degree.  Upon completion of their undergraduate degree, they are then are employed in the environmental industry, resource exploration, hazard assessment, education, and many additional career paths.  

What can I do after MCC?

Location & Contacts

Jessica Barone
Department Chair
Brighton Campus
Building 8, Room 214
M thru F, 8:45am to 4:45pm
(585) 292-2448


Contact geology professors with any questions: